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SD+ makes designing a sustainable building a smooth experience by presenting you with all the financial & environmental data required to make an informed decision. Learn more about SD+.

Stockholm, Sweden

Worldfavor’s different solutions power its customers to easily manage all kinds of sustainability data, trace impact, follow up on portfolio companies, comply with the EU Taxonomy, reduce risk and achieve a sustainable supply chain. Learn more about Worldfavor.

New York, United States

EcoVadis has global supply chains, financial institutions, and public organizations that rely on them to monitor and improve the sustainability performance of their business and trading partners. Learn more about Ecovadis.

Sustainable Brand Platform is an easy-to-adopt software that turns all your company operative data into sustainability metrics in real time and connects seemingly with your management software. Learn more about Sustainable Brand Platform.

Sustainable Platform has redefined financial markets to offer independent sustainability information that matters for performance and risk to institutional investors, research firms and financial advisors. Learn more about Sustainable Platform.

London, United Kingdom

Eevery platform mission is to empower SMEs worldwide to improve their sustainability performance. They provide an intelligent, easy to use and relevant platform that helps SMEs to measure, improve and report their impact. Learn more about Eevery.

Recyda is a pioneering company that employs innovative technology to provide advanced recycling solutions. Their expertise optimizes waste management processes, enhances recycling efficiency, and actively contributes to building a more sustainable and circular economy. Learn more about Recyda GmbH.

Connect Earthlogo
London, London, United Kingdom

Connect.Earth is a groundbreaking platform fostering global environmental collaboration and engagement. Serving as a virtual hub, it brings together individuals, organizations, and communities, uniting their efforts to create a positive impact and collectively address urgent environmental challenges. Learn more about Connect Earth.

Denver, Colorado, United States

Finch stands as a pioneering platform transforming expense management for businesses. Their innovative solutions utilize automation and intuitive interfaces to simplify complex processes such as expense tracking, approval workflows, and financial reporting. By optimizing these critical financial operations, Finch empowers businesses to enhance operational efficiency, reduce errors, and gain better control over their expenses. This approach not only saves valuable time and resources but also contributes to more accurate financial insights and decision-making. Learn more about Finch.

Brownee is a dynamic and forward-thinking platform that bridges the gap between skilled tech professionals and freelance opportunities. In the ever-evolving tech industry, Brownee offers a streamlined and efficient approach to connecting talented experts with exciting freelance gigs or project-based work. It empowers tech-savvy individuals to showcase their skills, experience, and expertise to a wide array of potential clients and employers, thus opening doors to diverse and rewarding projects. Brownee not only simplifies the search for freelance opportunities but also facilitates meaningful connections and collaborations in the tech ecosystem. Joining Brownee means gaining access to a thriving network of clients, projects, and the chance to further your career as a tech freelancer. Learn more about Brownee - Sustainability in the baking.

London, London, United Kingdom

Grey Parrot is a trailblazing AI company revolutionizing waste management and recycling practices. Their advanced technology harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to optimize waste sorting processes. By automating and enhancing the identification and sorting of recyclable materials, Grey Parrot significantly improves recycling efficiency and reduces contamination in waste streams. This innovative approach not only makes recycling more economically viable but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly waste management ecosystem. Grey Parrot's solutions are scalable and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of industries and waste management facilities. With their commitment to innovation and sustainability, Grey Parrot is at the forefront of creating a cleaner and more environmentally responsible future for waste management. Learn more about Greyparrot.

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