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Smart Jouleslogo
New delhi, Delhi, India

Smart Joules make energy savings easy and profitable from day one with zero investment and zero risk for buildings. They monitor energy and process parameters, discover optimum operational points with Joule Recipes, and eliminate energy waste by controlling any equipment with their high-performance and cost-effective IoT devices. Learn more about Smart Joules.

Denver, Colorado, United States

Finch stands as a pioneering platform transforming expense management for businesses. Their innovative solutions utilize automation and intuitive interfaces to simplify complex processes such as expense tracking, approval workflows, and financial reporting. By optimizing these critical financial operations, Finch empowers businesses to enhance operational efficiency, reduce errors, and gain better control over their expenses. This approach not only saves valuable time and resources but also contributes to more accurate financial insights and decision-making. Learn more about Finch.


Sendle is a game-changer in the world of shipping and logistics for businesses. This user-friendly online platform provides seamless solutions for shipping needs. It offers door-to-door parcel delivery services that are not only convenient but also reliable, making it an excellent choice for businesses of all sizes. Sendle features include package tracking, competitive pricing, and a commitment to sustainability by providing carbon-neutral shipping options. By simplifying the shipping process, it allows businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring that their products reach customers efficiently. Sendle is a valuable partner in streamlining logistics, reducing shipping hassles, and enhancing the overall efficiency of businesses' supply chains. Learn more about Sendle.

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Experience the future of business communication with Viro . This innovative platform provides a comprehensive range of virtual tools designed to optimize collaboration and engagement. Conduct virtual meetings that mirror in-person interactions, create interactive presentations that captivate your audience, and foster real-time collaboration on projects. Viro is more than a solution for remote work; it's a gateway to efficient and effective communication in the digital age. Whether your team is dispersed across the globe or working from different locations, this platform empowers you to maintain seamless connections and drive productivity while embracing the flexibility of modern work dynamics. Learn more about Viro.

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