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Örebro, Sweden

Deligate is an application for smart tracking of expiry dates of the products. It develops technology for increasing in-store profit and reducing retail loss. Engage the consumers with user-friendy, innovative solutions like Expiry Date Management, Price Markdown and Deli Counter Journals. Learn more about Deligate.

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Gojybe is a forward-thinking platform designed to revolutionize the way businesses engage with creative professionals. By providing a seamless and efficient avenue for freelance talent to connect with companies in need of creative services, Gojybe transforms the creative collaboration landscape. This dynamic platform fosters an environment where freelancers can showcase their skills, gain exposure, and secure projects that align with their expertise. Simultaneously, businesses can access a diverse pool of creative minds, streamlining the process of finding the perfect match for their project needs. Through Gojybe, the world of creative work becomes more accessible, flexible, and mutually beneficial for both freelancers and businesses. Learn more about JYBE.

Amsterdam, Netherlands The

Bringly revolutionizes last-mile delivery with sustainable solutions. Through their platform, they link consumers with local carriers, significantly cutting emissions and advancing eco-friendly logistics practices. Learn more about Bringly.

Oakland, California, United States

The Commons emerges as a dynamic and forward-looking platform that empowers sustainable living through community-driven initiatives. By facilitating connections between individuals, businesses, and organizations, they create a collaborative ecosystem where shared resources, knowledge, and efforts converge. Through this holistic approach, The Commons not only encourages eco-conscious practices but also strengthens community ties and resilience. Their commitment to fostering sustainable lifestyles positions them as a catalyst for positive change in the pursuit of a more harmonious relationship between people and the environment. Learn more about Commons.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Flashfood is a game-changing app and platform dedicated to reducing food waste and helping users save money on their grocery bills. This innovative service connects individuals with discounted surplus food items from nearby grocery stores and restaurants. Users can browse through a range of fresh, high-quality groceries, including produce, dairy, and bakery items, all at significantly reduced prices. By rescuing surplus food that might otherwise go to waste, Flashfood contributes to a more sustainable and eco-conscious approach to food consumption. Joining the Flashfood community not only means accessing great deals on groceries but also participating in the global effort to combat food waste and promote responsible consumption. Learn more about Flashfood.

Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Experience the future of business communication with Viro . This innovative platform provides a comprehensive range of virtual tools designed to optimize collaboration and engagement. Conduct virtual meetings that mirror in-person interactions, create interactive presentations that captivate your audience, and foster real-time collaboration on projects. Viro is more than a solution for remote work; it's a gateway to efficient and effective communication in the digital age. Whether your team is dispersed across the globe or working from different locations, this platform empowers you to maintain seamless connections and drive productivity while embracing the flexibility of modern work dynamics. Learn more about Viro.

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