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Ocean Solutions
Macro Oceanslogo
San Francisco, California, United States

Macro Oceans is a holistic platform at the forefront of ocean conservation and environmental sustainability efforts. It provides a wealth of resources, insights, and actionable solutions aimed at safeguarding marine ecosystems and raising awareness about crucial ocean-related issues. Through its diverse content and community engagement, Macro Oceans acts as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and organizations alike to actively participate in preserving our oceans for future generations. Learn more about Macro Oceans.

CarbonWave dedicated to addressing the urgent challenge of carbon emissions, CarbonWave stands at the forefront of innovation with its groundbreaking approach to carbon capture and utilization. By harnessing cutting-edge technologies, the company not only aims to curtail carbon emissions but also to transform them into valuable resources, fostering a more sustainable global landscape. Through their unwavering commitment to converting carbon from a detrimental waste product into a beneficial asset, CarbonWave envisions a future where industries actively contribute to environmental preservation Learn more about Carbonwave.

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