MycoWorks is at the forefront of sustainability and innovation, using groundbreaking technology to transform fungi into leather-like materials. This eco-friendly alternative reduces the environmental footprint associated with traditional leather production, offering a unique and responsible approach to material design. MycoWorks' commitment to merging creativity, sustainability, and versatility paves the way for a more eco-conscious and stylish future.

Matthew L. Scullin


Operating Since 2013

Benefits & strength

MycoWorks' revolutionary approach to sustainable materials brings forth a range of benefits and strengths that resonate with environmental responsibility and innovative design:


  1. Reduced Environmental Impact: MycoWorks' materials offer a sustainable alternative to traditional leather production, reducing the need for resource-intensive processes and minimizing the carbon footprint.

  2. Animal-Free Solution: By using fungi instead of animal hides, their approach eliminates the ethical concerns associated with leather production while still delivering a leather-like material.

  3. Versatility: MycoWorks' materials can be molded into various shapes and forms, offering designers a versatile canvas for creativity across industries.

  4. Material Performance: Their materials emulate the desirable qualities of leather, including durability, texture, and appearance, providing an eco-conscious alternative without compromising on quality.

  5. Circular Economy Potential: The use of fungi for material production aligns with circular economy principles, contributing to a closed-loop approach to resource utilization.


  1. Innovative Technology: MycoWorks' strength lies in their use of cutting-edge technology to transform fungi into materials that rival traditional leather in terms of aesthetics and performance.

  2. Eco-Friendly Design: Their materials are a testament to their commitment to sustainable and environmentally responsible practices, showcasing their leadership in eco-friendly design.

  3. Ethical Production: MycoWorks' approach aligns with ethical considerations, promoting animal welfare by offering a cruelty-free alternative to leather.

  4. Reduced Waste: By utilizing natural materials and minimizing chemical treatments, MycoWorks contributes to reducing waste generation and toxic byproducts.

  5. Resilience and Adaptability: MycoWorks' innovative materials can be adapted for various applications, from fashion to interiors, demonstrating their potential to transform industries sustainably.

  6. Market Disruption: Their materials challenge traditional norms in material production, driving industry-wide conversations about sustainable alternatives.

  7. Creative Collaboration: MycoWorks fosters collaboration with designers and brands, promoting innovation and sustainable design practices.

In essence, MycoWorks' benefits and strengths encompass sustainable innovation, material performance, ethical considerations, and the potential to reshape industries toward a more responsible and regenerative future.

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1300 64th St, Emeryville, California 94608, US

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