Bureo leads the way in environmental innovation by crafting a range of products from recycled plastic materials. By upcycling discarded fishing nets, the company produces stylish and functional items like skateboards and sunglasses. Bureo's commitment to sustainability goes beyond aesthetics, contributing to ocean conservation and the reduction of plastic waste. Through their innovative approach, Bureo offers consumers the opportunity to make eco-conscious choices while enjoying well-designed, environmentally friendly creations that make a positive impact.

David M. Stover


Operating Since 2013

Benefits & strength

Strengths of Bureo:

  1. Circular Economy Model:Bureo's core strength lies in its innovative circular economy model, which transforms discarded fishing nets into valuable and functional products, contributing to both environmental and economic sustainability.

  2. Environmental Innovation: The company excels in pioneering environmental innovation by creatively upcycling plastic waste, showcasing how discarded materials can be turned into stylish and functional items.

  3. Community Impact: Bureo's commitment to sustainability extends to local communities, providing economic opportunities and raising awareness about the importance of responsible waste management.

  4. Ocean Conservation: Bureo's focus on using recycled materials, particularly discarded fishing nets, directly contributes to ocean conservation by preventing these nets from polluting marine ecosystems.

Benefits of Bureo:

  1. Plastic Waste Reduction: By upcycling fishing nets and other plastic waste, Bureo significantly reduces plastic pollution in oceans and landfills, contributing to a cleaner environment.

  2. Stylish and Functional Products: Bureo's creations, such as skateboards and sunglasses, offer consumers the opportunity to own unique and trendy items while making a positive impact on the environment.

  3. Community Empowerment: Bureo's initiatives empower local communities by providing them with economic opportunities and promoting sustainable practices.

  4. Consumer Awareness: Bureo's products raise awareness about plastic waste and the importance of responsible consumption, inspiring individuals to make more conscious choices.

  5. Supporting Ocean Health: Choosing Bureo's products directly supports ocean conservation efforts, as a portion of the company's profits often goes toward marine initiatives.

  6. Inspirational Model: Bureo's circular economy model serves as an inspiration for other companies to creatively tackle plastic waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

  7. Positive Consumer Impact: Purchasing Bureo's products allows consumers to actively participate in plastic waste reduction and ocean conservation, aligning their values with their choices.

In summary, Bureo's strengths include their circular economy model, environmental innovation, community impact, and commitment to ocean conservation. The benefits encompass plastic waste reduction, access to stylish and functional products, community empowerment, consumer awareness, supporting ocean health, inspiring a model for others, and making a positive consumer impact on the environment.

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Ventura, California

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