Just Vertical stands as a pioneer in the realm of indoor gardening solutions, offering a transformative approach to cultivating plants within the confines of homes and businesses. With their vertical hydroponic systems, they redefine the possibilities of indoor agriculture by optimizing space and efficiency. This innovative technology empowers individuals and businesses to engage in sustainable food production, regardless of spatial limitations. Just Vertical's vertical hydroponic systems allow for the cultivation of a diverse range of plants, from herbs to vegetables, in a space-saving manner. By eliminating the need for traditional soil-based cultivation and utilizing nutrient-rich water solutions, they create an environment conducive to rapid growth and consistent yield. In an era where urban living and limited outdoor space are becoming increasingly common, Just Vertical's solution provides a path to fresh and homegrown produce. Their commitment to sustainability, resource efficiency, and promoting a closer connection to food sources positions them at the forefront of fostering a greener and more self-sufficient future.

Conner Tidd


Operating Since 2017

Benefits & strength

Benefits and Strengths of Just Vertical are :-

  1. Space Optimization: Just Vertical's vertical hydroponic systems maximize space efficiency, making indoor gardening feasible even in compact living or commercial areas.

  2. Year-Round Cultivation: The technology enables year-round plant cultivation, ensuring a constant supply of fresh herbs and vegetables, irrespective of seasonal changes.

  3. Reduced Environmental Impact: Vertical hydroponic systems use significantly less water compared to traditional soil-based cultivation, contributing to water conservation.

  4. Enhanced Food Security: Individuals and businesses can have greater control over their food supply, reducing reliance on external sources and transportation.

  5. Freshness and Nutrient Retention: Homegrown produce retains its freshness and nutritional value, promoting healthier eating habits.

  6. Educational Value: Just Vertical's systems can serve as educational tools, teaching individuals about plant growth, hydroponics, and sustainability.

  7. Innovative Technology: Just Vertical leverages cutting-edge vertical hydroponic systems, showcasing their commitment to innovation and technological advancement.

  8. Space-Saving Design: Their systems efficiently use vertical space, enabling higher plant density and increased yield per unit area.

  9. Sustainability: By using hydroponics, Just Vertical contributes to sustainable agriculture practices, reducing water usage and promoting resource efficiency.

  10. Customization: Their solutions are adaptable to various plant types and user preferences, offering customization in terms of plant selection and design.

  11. Ease of Use: Just Vertical's systems are designed for user-friendly operation, making indoor gardening accessible to individuals with varying levels of expertise.

  12. Urban Agriculture Promotion: The company's approach aligns with the growing trend of urban agriculture, enabling city dwellers to engage in food production.

  13. Community Building: Just Vertical's systems can foster a sense of community by encouraging individuals to share knowledge and experiences related to indoor gardening.

  14. Health and Well-Being: Growing one's own food enhances mental well-being, physical health, and a sense of accomplishment.

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+1 613-690-6320


112 College St, Suite 411, Toronto, ON M5G 1L6, CA

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