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Qualificaenergetica allows construction, occupancy, renovation, re-purposing, and demolition, buildings use energy, water, and raw materials, generate waste, and emit potentially harmful atmospheric emissions. Learn more about Qualificaenergetica.

Location not available (UK) stands out as an innovative platform that reimagines wall decor through its collection of customizable and artistic wallpapers. Offering a diverse range of designs, from the latest trends to personalized options, they provide a modern and refreshing way to elevate interior spaces. With an array of choices that cater to different aesthetics and preferences, empowers individuals to express their creativity and style while transforming their living spaces. Embrace their innovative approach to home aesthetics and embark on a journey of visual delight and personalization that adds a new dimension of character and charm to your surroundings. Learn more about Lick.

Seattle, Washington, United States

OneThird is a trailblazer in the fight against food waste, offering advanced technology that measures fruit freshness and shelf life. By providing retailers and suppliers with real-time data, they empower informed decisions that result in minimized waste and heightened sustainability. OneThird's innovative approach contributes to a more efficient and responsible food supply chain, making a tangible impact on reducing global food waste. Learn more about ReCapturit®.

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