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Safi (Formerly TrueCircle)logo
London, London, United Kingdom

Safi presents a revolutionary solution, empowering businesses to effectively navigate and mitigate supply chain risks. Utilizing cutting-edge AI and data analytics, Safi provides real-time insights that enable organizations to proactively detect and manage potential disruptions, ensuring the seamless flow of operations. By embracing Safi, businesses can safeguard their supply chains, enhance operational resilience, and maintain uninterrupted productivity in an ever-evolving business landscape. Learn more about Safi (Formerly TrueCircle).

London, London, United Kingdom

Reboxed emerges as a trailblazing platform dedicated to reshaping consumer electronics consumption. By refurbishing and reselling pre-owned tech gadgets, they actively combat the issue of electronic waste. Their approach not only extends the lifecycle of devices but also provides consumers with access to affordable and reliable technology. Through this innovative model, Reboxed aligns with the global push for sustainability and responsible consumption, making a meaningful impact on reducing electronic waste while fostering a more eco-conscious approach to acquiring tech products. Learn more about reboxed.

Wheedle is an ingenious online hub that caters to the needs of businesses and entrepreneurs by providing a comprehensive suite of digital tools and resources. This platform specializes in areas crucial to success in the digital age, including marketing automation, web development, and e-commerce solutions. Businesses can harness the power of automation to streamline marketing campaigns, develop stunning and functional websites, and create seamless online shopping experiences for customers. Wheedle is not just about convenience; it's about empowerment. It equips users with the tools they need to optimize their online operations, reach a wider audience, and enhance their digital presence. Whether you're a startup looking to establish your online identity or an established business aiming to scale up, Wheedle is your trusted partner for achieving digital success. Learn more about Wheedle - ReEarth Tech Private Limited.

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