Woodio stands as a trailblazer in sustainable design, offering a range of bathroom products that redefine luxury through the innovative use of wood. Crafted from a proprietary waterproof wood material, their sinks and bathtubs seamlessly combine style and eco-friendliness. This unique approach not only adds a touch of nature to bathroom interiors but also showcases the potential for sustainable alternatives in the design industry. Woodio's commitment to pushing the boundaries of sustainable design demonstrates that beauty, functionality, and environmental responsibility can coexist harmoniously, inspiring a new era of conscious living and interior aesthetics.

Terja Koskenoja


Operating Since 2016

Benefits & strength

Benefits and Strengths of Woodio are :-

  1. Sustainability: Woodio use of a proprietary waterproof wood material promotes a sustainable alternative to traditional bathroom products, reducing the reliance on less eco-friendly materials.

  2. Unique Aesthetics: The combination of wood and innovative design results in visually striking bathroom products that add a touch of nature warmth and uniqueness to interiors.

  3. Innovation: Woodio approach challenges conventional design norms by introducing wood as a waterproof material, showcasing the potential for innovation within sustainable design.

  4. Durability: The waterproof wood material used by Woodio ensures durability, providing long-lasting products that maintain their quality and aesthetic appeal over time.

  5. Environmental Consciousness: By choosing Woodio products, consumers actively support a brand that prioritizes environmentally responsible materials and production processes.

  6. Luxurious Experience: Woodio elevates the bathroom experience with luxurious wooden sinks and bathtubs, offering a harmonious blend of elegance and sustainability.

  7. Versatility: Their products are available in various designs, sizes, and styles, catering to diverse consumer preferences and interior aesthetics.

  8. Educational Value: Woodio commitment to sustainable materials and design practices helps raise awareness about the importance of eco-friendly choices in the design industry.

  9. Interior Innovation: Woodio products contribute to pushing the boundaries of interior design, inspiring other companies to explore sustainable and unconventional materials.

  10. Branding and Differentiation: Businesses that incorporate Woodio products in their spaces align their brand with sustainability, setting themselves apart and appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

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+35850478 2944


Kalevankatu 14, Helsinki, Uusimaa 00100, FI

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