MIRET a family-owned footwear business has a rich history of crafting high-end footwear for some of the most prestigious brands in the market. As their expertise and reputation grew, so did their moral dilemma. They grappled with the decision to continue being a part of the industry's ethical challenges or to take a bold stand for what's right. Ultimately, they chose ethics over profit, recognizing the importance of aligning their values with their actions. This marked a significant turning point in their journey as they made a firm commitment to be part of the solution rather than the problem. Their dedication to doing the right thing is now at the core of their business ethos.

Domagoj Boljar


Operating Since 2015

Benefits & strength

benefits and strengths of MIRET :

  1. Ethical Reputation: By making this moral choice, the business establishes a reputation for ethical conduct, which can be a powerful selling point in today's socially conscious consumer market.

  2. Brand Loyalty: Customers who value ethical practices are more likely to remain loyal to the brand, leading to long-term customer relationships and repeat business.

  3. Attracting Like-minded Talent: Ethical businesses often attract employees who share their values, fostering a positive workplace culture and a committed workforce.

  4. Sustainability: An ethical approach can lead to sustainable practices, which can reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance long-term profitability.

  5. Mitigating Risk: Ethical businesses are often better equipped to handle legal and reputational risks, as they prioritize compliance and transparency.

  6. Market Differentiation: Taking an ethical stance sets the business apart from competitors, potentially attracting a unique customer base.

  7. Positive Impact: The business contributes to positive change in the industry, influencing others to follow suit and potentially improving conditions for workers and the environment.

  8. Long-term Viability: Ethical practices tend to be more sustainable in the long run, ensuring the business's viability and resilience in a rapidly changing world.

  9. Compliance: Ethical practices can help the business stay in compliance with evolving regulations and industry standards.

  10. Personal Fulfillment: For the family behind the business, the decision to prioritize ethics can provide a deep sense of personal fulfillment and purpose, aligning their business with their values.

In summary, the shift towards ethical practices in the footwear business not only benefits the brand's reputation but also offers financial, social, and personal advantages. It positions the business as a responsible leader in the industry, with the potential to drive positive change and inspire others to do the same.

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Avenija Dubrovnik 15, ZICER, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb 10020, HR

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