Baker Creek only sells open-pollinated seeds: pure, natural & non-GMO! Started in 1998 by Jere Gettle as a means to preserve heirloom seeds. The company has become a tool to promote and preserve its agricultural and culinary heritage.

Benefits & strength

Benefits and Strengths of Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company are :

  1. Genetic Diversity: By offering open-pollinated seeds, Baker Creek promotes genetic diversity in plant varieties. This diversity is essential for maintaining resilient and adaptable crops, which can better withstand diseases, pests, and environmental changes.

  2. Pure and Natural: Baker Creek's focus on purity and naturalness ensures that customers receive seeds that have not been genetically modified. This emphasis on natural seeds aligns with the preferences of many individuals who seek organic and non-GMO options.

  3. Preservation of Heirloom Seeds: Baker Creek's mission to preserve heirloom seeds helps protect unique and historically significant plant varieties from disappearing. This preservation effort safeguards the cultural and genetic heritage embedded in these seeds for future generations.

  4. Sustainable Agriculture: By promoting open-pollinated seeds and traditional agricultural practices, Baker Creek encourages sustainable agriculture. These seeds can be saved and replanted, reducing reliance on industrial farming methods and promoting self-sufficiency among growers.

  5. Education and Inspiration: Baker Creek goes beyond being a seed provider by acting as a platform for education and inspiration. By sharing knowledge about heritage seeds and traditional culinary practices, the company empowers individuals to reconnect with their agricultural roots and make informed choices about their food.

  6. Environmental Stewardship: Through its emphasis on non-GMO and natural seeds, Baker Creek contributes to environmental stewardship. These seeds offer an alternative to genetically modified crops, reducing the potential ecological risks associated with GMOs.

  7. Community Building: Baker Creek's dedication to promoting agricultural and culinary heritage fosters a sense of community among like-minded individuals. It provides a space for people to connect, share experiences, and collectively celebrate the importance of open-pollinated seeds and sustainable food systems.

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+1 417-924-8917


2278 Baker Creek Road, Mansfield, MO, USA

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